Monday, August 23, 2010

Liposuction of the Abdomen and Flanks

Liposuction can be rewarding for both the patient and surgeon. It is important when undergoing liposuction for the patient to adhere not only to compliance with their post-operative garment, but also to strict post-operative nutrition.

The full effects of liposuction do not completely reveal themselves until 6 to 12 months after the operation. It is important during this time that patients maintain strict nutrition.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Liposuction. Lower Abdomen, Inner Thighs, Outer Thighs.

Liposuction is often a very powerful tool whether it is used alone or in conjunction with other aesthetic procedures. Liposuction of the lower abdomen, inner thighs, and outer thighs can be quite effective in the appropriate candidate.

I tell patients that in order for liposuction to be effective, there needs to be a localized collection of fat surrounded by good skin tone. That is skin devoid of stretch marks.

It is important that the liposuction is not overdone as the natural contour of the body part may become distorted and appear obvious. When in consultation with your plastic surgeon, always inquire about liposuction as an adjunct procedure for the procedure you are about to undergo.

Liposuction. Upper Arm & Bra Fat Liposuction

Frequently women come to the office for consultation and say, “Dr. Dickinson, no matter how hard I exercise, the fat on the back of my upper arm and bra line persists. I become self conscious of this when I wear a bikini or strapless dress. Can liposuction help?”

Liposuction of the upper arm and bra fat can be very rewarding to the patient who is the right candidate. Great candidates for liposuction have localized deposits of fat that are more resistant to diet and exercise compared to the rest of their body. Significant changes after liposuction can be readily seen within 4 weeks post-operatively and continue to improve over many months and stabilize at one year.

It is not uncommon for me to see women who are very self assurred, successful, and accomplished although they may feel limited by the clothing they can wear because of localized fat deposits they can not get rid of.